Playstation Exclusives: Your Year, In A List!

Whaddup Playstation Base Crew!  I hope you are all feeling fine!

This year has been pinned as the defining year for next generation gaming.  Year one, as always is about ironing out the creases, with developers and publishers tweaking and mastering their newly built engines, adapting them to the hardware, allowing them to build bigger and brighter flames, louder guns and tons more blood to stain your virtual walls!

2014 was a bit of a disastrous year in terms of numbers of Playstation Exclusives.  Not including Indie titles, off the top of my head, I can only remember seeing 5 of them, namely Infamous: Second Son, Knack, Killzone, Little Big Planet 3 and the so far God forsaken DRIVECLUB, this is also barring any remasters and expansions.  Our rivals over at Xbox got some great exclusives this year, some of which almost tempt me to go out and get myself one, such as Sunset Overdrive for example, but 2015 seems extremely promising from what has been revealed already.

Now, before I go into the list, I genuinely believe that the reason for our lack of exclusives is more than likely due to Sony’s next big project– Project Morpheus!  I would expect Morpheus to be ready by Christmas 2015 and for it to work, it would need games.  I am assuming (and hoping) that there will be some great exclusive titles for this great new piece of kit.

Despite this, there are some amazing Playstation Exclusives that have already been announced for this year, with Sony releasing a promotional video to highlight what’s to come.  Check it out below!

So, as you can see, there is lots of content to come and that is just what has been announced!  I’m sure that there will be a lot more to be revealed over the next few months and not forgetting that we have another round of Gamescom and E3 this year.

In case you couldn’t be bothered to watch the video, I will list the games featured for all of you Lazies, starting with the Exclusives!

  • Bloodbourne
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
  • The Tomorrow Children
  • Until Dawn
  • Rime
  • Everybody’s Gone To Rapture
  • The Order: 1886
  • The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
  • The Witness
  • Volume
  • No Man’s Sky
  • Hollowpoint
  • Fat Princess Adventures
  • Tearaway Unfolded
  • Alienation

There is also a list of multi-platform titles which included The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Batman Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat X, Battlefield: Hardline, Dying Light and Evolve.

My year kicks off with Dying Light!  Due out at the end of January, it will most certainly be my first purchase of the year.  It looks absolutely amazing and I am inclined to agree that 2015 will be the defining year for the next generation of gaming.  Until then, I will be playing Dragon Age!

Which games are you looking forward to this year?  Perhaps it was none of the titles listed above, or in the video, perhaps you are itching to play Final Fantasy XV or Dead Island 2.  Whatever it is, let me know! 

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